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ID 408:Senior Capstone I: Searching multiple databases simultaneously

Searching multiple databases simultaneously

Interior Design is unique because you will find articles on your building type in Interior Design journals but also in the journals for the types of building you are design for.  For example: 

  • Designing a classroom?  You need to search ID & education journals
  • Designing a hotel room, lobby or restaurant? You need to search in ID, hospitality & retail journals
  • Designing a doctor's office?  You need to search in ID and healthcare journals

Don't worry at this point you are familiar with databases you just need to follow the directions below to search multiple databases at once - so you can avoid having to search each database individually (this will save you lots of time!). 

Remember: You need to have a identified the best search terms and subject headings for your research before you expand to searching multiple database at once.


Step 1: Go to Academic Search Complete

Step 2: Select 'Choose Databases'

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Step 3: Select the subject databases applicable to your research OR 'Select All' and click 'ok'

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Step 4: Enter your keywords & search!

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