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ID 408:Senior Capstone I: Precedent studies/Case studies

Introduction to precedent studies

You are required to locate several precedent studies to be included in your final project.  This page outlines some resources to help you locate precedent studies and alternative ways to find additional information on the buildings you identified in your precedent studies. 

Locating case studies via databases

Online search

You will get limited results if you do a keyword search for "precedent studies" in the databases because that term is not a subject header or frequently used when writing about projects.  Consult the resources above first and if you need to find additional information on a building do a phrase search for a case study or other keywords such as building, designer or architect's names in the databases.  In addition, designers and firms often feature case studies of recently completed projects on their websites.  You need to be specific in your online searching to locate these materials.  Also remember if you find an online source it must be refutable!  Use the ACCORD Model to help determine if a case study is appropriate to include in your project. 


Here's a sample Google search to help you think about how to search efficiently: 

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