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Information about the RSHM order and Beziers, France

Beziers, France

Beziers, France

  • One of the oldest cities in France.
  • Dates back to 575 B.C. when Beziers was a staging post on the Via Domitia, the road linking Rome to the Iberian peninsula. Remnants of the road have been found under ruins within the city center.
  • The town of Beziers was ransacked and looted on July 22, 1209, by the Albigensian Crusade.
  • The basilica in the background of this photo is the Cathedral of Saint-Nazaire from the 14th century.
  • Today Beziers is center for winemaking industries.

Timeline of French History During Father Gailhac's Life

Timeline of French history during Father Gailhac's life:

1804 - 1814 Napoleon I

1809 Napoleon takes Moscow

1809 Louis Braille is born on January 4

1810 Chopin is born

1814 - 1824 Louis XVIII

1814 The Restoration, the monarchy regains powers

1816 Napoleon defeated at the Battle of Waterloo

1821 Death of Napoleon I on the island of Saint Helene

1822 Louis Pasteur is born December 27

1824 - 1830 Charles X

1830 Les Trois Glorieuses, 3 days of Parisian revolution.

1830 - 1848 Louis-Philippe I, declared king of the French and King of France.

1840 - 1917 Auguste Rodin

1844 The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas

1848 The Second Republic

1849 Chopin dies in Paris

1852 - 1870 Second Empire Napoleon III (he dies in England in 1873)

1858 The vision of Bernadette Soubrious at Lourdes

1862 Victor Hugo writes Les Miserables, Debussy is born near Paris

1870 The Battle of Sedan, Napoleon III surrenders to the Prussians and France loses Alsace and Lorraine

1871 TheThird Republic

1880 Offenbach dies in Paris

1887 - 1894 Sadi Carnot

1894 The Dreyfus Affair, Jewish officer accused of treason

1889 World Expo in Paris with the Eiffel Tower

Books about French History available at Marymount

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