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Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary: Current Mission Applications

Information about the RSHM order and Beziers, France

Current RSHM Ministries

Each RSHM province has a list of similar ministries in which the order is involved. For example, to read about the ministries the Eastern and Western American Province is involved in go to

These ministries include: Education, Social and Legal Services, Pastoral Work, Working for Justice, and the Arts. 

The Northern European Province is involved with similar ministries and these can be found at

If Father Jean were still alive he could see that the ethos he laid down with the first home he started for prostitutes continues in the order today.

The RSHM schools in Italy describe the goals and criteria of all educational institutions that belong to the RSHM as these:

1. Promote a personal relationship with God.

2. Create unity in diversity.

3. Educate to an inexhaustible love for learning.

4. Promote and consolidate personal growth.

5. Wake up an awareness of social justice.

6. Fulfill the mission of the RSHM "that all may have life".

Information about the work the order conducts as a non-governmental organization through the United Nations' Department of Public Information can be found at with additional information available at this website:

This work emphasizes education, participation and advocacy on behalf of the global poor and marginalized populations and in particular women and children.

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