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Chicago/Turabian Style Guide: Formatting Your Paper

Assistance with Formatting your Paper

Using Quotes

Example of a direct quote in Chicago Style:

    Scott Hames in his essay, “Diasporic Narcissism: Desublimating Scotland in Alice Munro and Alistair MacLeod” goes so far as to say that Cape Breton identity in MacLeod’s fiction is directly tied to Scottish identity.  He writes, “MacLeod’s diasporic Scottishness is concrete and substantial, directly embodying a heritage of loss, betrayal, and communion.”1 Which is to say, it is almost as if the Canadian characters have never left Scotland.

     1. Scott Hames, "Diasporic Narcissism: De-Sublimating Scotland in Alice Munro and Alistair MacLeod." Anglistik 23, no. 2 (2012): 73, accessed August 23, 2017.

If possible, paraphrasing the quote, or rewriting it in your own words (more than just changing a word or two) is preferable to quoting directly.  When paraphrasing be sure to cite the source!

Winkler also discusses the importance of the grandmother figure as a symbol of homecoming in his stories. This is also true of  “Grandmother” in No Great Mischief.2


     2. Elizabeth Winkler, "Island Identity and the Cape Breton Gaels in Alistair MacLeod's Short Fiction." Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 43, no. 1 (2010): 53, accessed August 10, 2017.

How and when to footnote:


  • Any direct quote
  • Any author's ideas you have paraphrased
  • To indicate when a secondary source reprinted other writings
  • A single footnote for a divided quote
  • Placement should be after the close-quote, or after the punctuation of the sentence.

How to format your paper

What is a DOI?

Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a unique alphanumeric string that identifies content and provides a persistent link to its location on the internet- regardless of the database the article is retrieved from. 

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