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Interior Design Program Guide: Articles & Databases

Articles & Databases

This page will help you find the articles and databases that will be most useful to you in Interior Design. If you are accessing these materials from off campus, you will need to log in.

If you need help finding or accessing an article or database, contact a librarian.

Interior Design Databases

Select one of the databases below to get started conducting your research!

Online Interior Design Magazines

How to activate your ILL account

To ensure timely delivery of articles requested from other libraries you will need an active ILL account.  Follow the steps below to activate your ILL account, you only have to do this once. 

1. Go to 

2. Select ‘InterLibrary Loan’ from the top level navigation.

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3. You will be prompted to complete any required fields that aren’t pre-populated and set your notification preferences.

4. Click ‘Submit information’ at the bottom of the page.

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2807 North Glebe Road, Arlington, Virginia 22207
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